Missions and Outreach
Our church currently partners with both local and international churches and supports multiple missionary families physically, financially, and spiritually.
To learn more or to find out how you can help support our international as well as local community outreach please contact John Shadid, Chair of the Missions Committee.
Our Partnerships
"Brethren, pray for us that the Word of the Lord would run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you." 2 Thessalonians 3:1
Tarahumara (Raramuri)
The Tarahumara people are distant Aztec descendants and renowned long distance runners that have been displaced to the rugged Sierra Madre Mountains and Copper Canyon of Mexico. The extreme terrain, difficult language barrier, a culture without community, and an animistic belief system have made the Tarahumara a challenging group to reach with the light of Christ.
YWAM Creel and Cuauhtémoc Church
Youth With A Mission (YWAM) maintains a fruitful Gospel witness in Creel, Mexico and ministers to the resisdents as well as to the indigenous peoples living in and around Copper Canyon. In partnership with the local church YWAM labors on behalf of the community through evangelism, discipleship, educating believers, training leaders, Bible translation, and by meeting the physical needs of their neighbors.
La Mesa Clinic
La Mesa Clinic is a ministry of Pioneers who engage a multifaceted approach to ministry among the Tarahumara people. The staff provide medical services, literacy training, education, translation, and outreach, witnesssing to an isolated people living in a harsh land.
Get Involved
"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns." Isaiah 52:7
-Pray that the Tarahumara people would know the one true God as Creator and Savior. Pray that believers would continue to mature in the faith and become leaders among their own people.-Pray for YWAM, Cuauhtémoc Church, and La Mesa Clinic. Pray that their ministries would display great courage and a bold witness.
-Pray for the safety of missionaries as they carry the Gospel to remote and dangerous areas
-Pray for opportunties for FMBC to come alongside these and other ministries
-Take the time to learn how you can serve the people of Creel and Copper Canyon and those that minister to them
-Provide financial support for short-term and long-term ministry in Mexico
-Help plan an outreach opportunity for projects such as well drilling, green house construction, and medical clinics
-Participate in a missions trip or help with special facilities projects in Mexico
-Consider if God is calling you to serve as an intern or as a full-time missionary
-Sign up for the FMBC Tarahumara support team